Qianghua shares complete round C financing of hundreds of millions of yuan247freepokerThe production base of new integrated circuit materials in Lingang is expected to be put into production within this year.

247freepoker| Hundreds of millions of yuan in financing helped Qianghua Co., Ltd., Lingang Integrated Circuit New Material Base was put into operation within the year, and semiconductor quartz devices welcomed rapid development.

April 20th247freepokerSemiconductor quartz products company Qianghua shares announced that it has completed hundreds of millions of yuan C round financing. This financing is led by Shanghai State Investment Corporation's Futeng Capital and Jianxin Trust, followed by CLP Fund, Lingang Division, Shanghai Science and Technology Chuang, Core Kinetics, Shenzhen Venture Capital, Lingang Investment Control, Fortune Capital and other well-known investment institutions.

Qianghua Co., Ltd. is a leader in the domestic semiconductor quartz parts industry, and it is also one of the few quartz products enterprises that have passed a number of product verification and mass production by head semiconductor manufacturers. The company has supplied bulk products to the mainstream semiconductor manufacturers and equipment enterprises in China.

The production base of new materials for Lingang integrated circuits was capped in March this year and is expected to be put into production this year. The planned investment of the project is more than 500 million yuan, which is mainly used for the production of 8-12 inch high purity, high precision quartz devices and other related silicon-based devices. The project is regarded as a major event in the rapid development of Qianghua in recent years, and it is also the basis for the large-scale production of 8-inch-12-inch high-purity and high-precision quartz devices in the company's high process.

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